or Characters (Not up)
Contributor-made Comics (Not up)
Welcome to Scribblenotes! Recent News:
5/28/02 1:36 AM, comic 17 is now up. While it's not what I originally had planned, I figured that getting it done and up was better than waiting another 4 or 5 days. I'm not entirely satisfied with the results, though, since originally Falconer was supposed to leap into the air yelling the most frightening biblical verses I could come up with, with me trying to escape, and cards flying all over, finally ending with some "losing your head" puns, but I guess it just didn't work out that way. Hope you enjoy it anyway.
Today I learned an important lesson at work. Observe:
I'm sure you can figure out what happened. Well, maybe not, since I didn't actually vomit, but I sure did want to.
5/21/02 12:46 PM, numbers 15 and 16 are moved here, and everything is back up! Expect more comics soon, as soon as I get back into the funky flow.
4/23/02 10:31 PM, number 14 is up! I sure hope I spelled Evangelion right...
4/21/02 2:41 AM, number 13 is up! 2 in under 9 hours, I haven't been this productive since day 1. Enjoy it!
4/20/02 6:00 PM, number 12 is up! Rock on and other etcetera!
4/16/02 1:29 PM, number 11 is up! It's been officially over two weeks, thanks for your support so far!
4/14/02 5:33 PM, number 10 is up! I also added an extensive FAQ to comic 9 explaining things that you may have not understood, since a lot of people asked me questions about it. Hope that helps.
4/9/02 1:27 AM, I added in a character bio section. So far there's not much info other than their first comic and some defining characteristics, but it can still be fun to look through.
4/9/02 12:09 AM, 9 is posted, but be warned: It's VERY BIG. The PNG version is over 100K, and the JPG is even bigger. Be warned.
4/7/02 12:07 AM, number 8 is up! Enjoy your 23-hour day!
4/6/02 3:52 AM, we now have 20 contributed comics up from 9 different people. Kickass!
4/5/02 1:06 AM, We're up to 7! I'm switching to one every other day so I don't burn myself out. Enjoy it!
4/3/02 2:43 AM, Number 6 is up! Not as big as number 5, but the people are still really small! ...Damn, we're up to 14 characters in 6 comics. That's a lot. The char page is gonna be a bitch.
4/2/02 3:17 AM, I got number 5 done! It's really really really big! Check it out! Also lots of contributed comics!
4/1/02 7:16 PM, there's a new section for comics submitted by contributors!
4/1/02 5:50 PM, I put a new one up, number 4! You should go read it!
(c) 2002 Futility. Characters used with permission, or something.